

2011.1.8 talk & concert Kumiko Omura

Noh X Contemporary Music – talk & concert 5 composers 


Vol.3  2011.1.8 17:00-      talk & concert   Kumiko Omura  


1 talk : Kumiko Omura & Ryoko Aoki 
2 Kumiko Omura “new work” for Noh voice, flute and percussion 
   (commissioned by ensemble-no 2010) (world premiere) 
Ryoko Aoki (Noh voice) Ayako Okubo (flute) Olivier Maurel (percussion) 


Zuisho-ji temple Art project(Zuisho-ji 3-2-19 Shirokane-dai, Minato, Tokyo, Japan)


admission free (advance booking is required→Noh X Contemporary Music)



presented by ensemble-no
supported by Minato prefecture grant for culture


Kumiko Omura

After studying at the Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music with Kenjiro Urata, Isao Matsushita and Jo Kondo, she studied composition with Prof. Nicolaus A. Huber and electronic music with Ludger Brümmer at the Folkwang-Hochschule Essen in Germany, and participated in the annual composition course at IRCAM, Paris. She studied also Intermedia Art with Kiyoshi Furukawa and holds a Masters from Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music. Currently, she is working as composer at ZKM (Center of Art and Media) in Karlsruhe, Germany.
She has gone on to win numerous international awards, including the Irino Prize, the grand prix at the Gaudeamus Music Week in Holland, prize at the Biennale Neue Musik Hannover in Germany, the young artist prize at the Nordrhein-Westfalen in Germany, and Takefu composition prize. Her works have been performed in Europe, USA and Japan at such festivals as Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik (Germany), AGORA festival (France), Music from Japan (USA) and International Computer Music Conference. In March 2009, her portrait concert took place at ZKM.