

Concert of Noh voice and Violoncello

2024/6/24 18:00-

Embassy of Spain in Japan, Tokyo, Japan


2024/6/27 13:00-

The Block, QUT Creative Industries Precinct, Brisbane, Australia


2024/6/27 15:00-

The Block, QUT Creative Industries Precinct, Brisbane, Australia


Ryoko Aoki


Noh Singer


Ryoko Aoki holds a unique position in the field of Noh theatre as a female singer and performer. She has performed in several traditional Noh plays, historically the reserve of male actors. Above all, she is the pioneer of and inspiration for a new artistic form combining utai – traditional Noh recitation – with contemporary music. More than 55 works have been written for her by various composers including Peter Eötvös, Toshio Hosokawa, Stefano Gervasoni, José María Sánchez-Verdú, and Oliver Schneller.
