

Cancel of the talk & concert on 27 March

We express our sincere sympathy for those who are affected by theTohoku-Kanto Earthquake. 

Due to the severe current circumstances, it is difficult for artists based in Europe to come to Japan. Unfortunately, we are going to cancel our event on 27 March. 

2011.3.27 talk & concert Sannicandro / Sinnhuber

Instead of that, we will premiere Valerio Sannicandro’s new piece on 23 April in Strasbourg.
23 April 20h30 
Eglise protestante Saint-Pierre le vieux, Strasbourg 
We postpone the premiere of Claire-Melanie Sinnhuber’s new work until this autumn in Tokyo. 
We will keep you updated on future planned concerts in our website. 
We apologize for your inconvenience and would appreciate your understanding very much. 
Best wishes 
Ryoko Aoki
