2011.12.2-3 Concert Mizu No Wo à Strasbourg
Posted at 2011年12月15日
in performances
Strasbourg, the city of Christmas!!

HANATSU miroir X Ryoko AOKI – Noh meet contemporary music vol.2
2011/12/2, 3 20:30-
Hall Des Chars Laiterie, Strasbourg, France
Hidehiko Hinohara (composition)
Ryoko Aoki (Noh)
Ayako Okubo (Flutes)
Olivier Maurel (Percussions)
Thomas Monod (Bass Clarinet)
Yon Costes (Calligraphie)
Marie-Anne Bacquet (Scenography)
suzuki takayuki (costume)
During the rehearsal. ©graigue.com