

2013.8.22 “Noh X Contemporary Music”

2013.8.22 19:00- concert “Noh X Contemporary Music”
Takanawa Civic Hall in Tokyo
Pre-talk:Noriko Koide&Ryoko Aoki “About new piece”
Joji Yuasa “Mai Bataraki Ⅱ” for alto flute with Noh dance (1987)
Federico Gardella “Voice of Wind” for Noh voice and bass flute (commissioned by ensemble-no 2011)
Noriko Baba “L’oiseau à deux têtes” for Noh performer and two musicians (commissioned by ensemble-no 2011)
Valerio Sannicandro “trois chants Noh” for Noh voice and flutes (commissioned by ensemble-no 2010) (Japan premiere)
Talk:Noriko Koide “About new piece”
Noriko Koide “The Rondo of Love” for Noh voice and percussion (commissioned by ensemble-no 2013) (World premiere)
_MG_6225.JPGRyoko Aoki (Noh) Kazushi Saito (flutes) Mizuki Aita (percussion)   

Noh × Contemporary Music 
presented by ensemble-no 
managed by Okamura & Company Inc 
in collaboration with Kiss Port Foundation 
supported by Nomura Foundation, Minato prefecture grant for culture

_92A9758.JPGIn the rehearsal, with Noriko Baba

After the concert, with Kazushi Saito, Mizuki Aita and Noriko Koide.