Debut CD “Noh×Contemporary Music”
Posted at 2014年5月13日
in Media
Noh×Contemporary Music
Ryoko Aoki (Noh)
Kazushi Saito (flutes) Takashi Yamane (clarinets) Satoshi Takeshima (Percussion)
CD sales will start on 2014.6.7.
(Preceding sales will start at the concert hall on 2014.5.21)
Federico Gardella “Voice of Wind” (2012)
Claire-Mélanie Sinnhuber “Etude pour chant nô et clarinette – Sur les pas de
Tsunemasa” (2008)
Tsunemasa” (2008)
Valerio Sannicandro “trois chants Noh” (2011)
Aurélien Dumont “Yamabushi no inori” (2013)
Peter Eötvös “Harakiri” (1973)