

2021.11.15-21 Radio France “Création Mondiale”

Broadcast on Radio France for a week from 15-21 November.
In October, I recorded “ATTAN’DATTE Ⅱ” for Noh voice and string quartet by Frédéric Durieux, a leading composer in France, with Tana Quartet! Last year I commissioned him and premiered “ATTAN’DATTE” in Tokyo. It is the revised version.

The place where we made the recording is very special! It is La Seine Musicale designed by the Japanese architect, Ban Shigeru.
In addition to the performance, interviews with the whole team were also recorded and was broadcast on a program called “Création Mondiale”. This program features one composer. 5 minutes programs are broadcast for a week, each morning and evening from Monday to Friday. On Sunday night, a 30 minutes program consisting of the whole piece and new interviews is on air. I am very honoured to appear on this famous program!
My interview (dubbed in French) is included in the Wednesday broadcast and the full version. You can listen online!

21 November “Création Mondiale” Final version
15 November (Monday) “Création Mondiale”
116 November (Tuesday) “Création Mondiale”
17 November (Wednesday) “Création Mondiale”
18 November (Thursday) “Création Mondiale”
19 November (Friday) “Création Mondiale”