

2024.5.13 Concert at Musashino Art University Museum

On 13 May, I performed with cellist Aki Kitajima at the opening of an exhibition at the Musashino Art University Museum & Library. The large atrium space connecting the museum, designed by Yoshinobu Ashihara, and the library, designed by Sou Fujimoto, resonated well and made us feel comfortable performing.

Jamie Man (1987‒) “Shi” for Noh voice and Violoncello (2017)

Annachiara Gedda (1986‒) “MONONOKE” for Noh voice and Violoncello (2018)

Yasutaki Inamori (1978‒) “Maumonozukushi Ni-shu” for Noh voice and Violoncello (2021)

You can watch the whole concert here.

Opening Performance of Musashino Art University Museum & Library
13 May 16:30-
Atrium 1, Musashino Art University Museum & Library, Tokyo, Japan

Talk : Miyuki Shiraishi (Professor of Musashino Art University Museum)
Performance :
Jamie Man (1987‒) “Shi” for Noh voice and Violoncello (2017)
Annachiara Gedda (1986‒) “MONONOKE” for Noh voice and Violoncello (2018)
Yasutaki Inamori (1978‒) “Maumonozukushi Ni-shu” for Noh voice and Violoncello (2021)
Ryoko Aoki (Noh voice) Aki Kitajima (Violoncello)

17:35-18:35 Crosstalk
Yoshio Sakagishi, Naoko Sekine, Kyoko Tokumaru, Rei Tumori (exhibition artist)
Takashi Niimi (Professor of Musashino Art University Museum, Director of Museum and Library)

The exhibition in the library, which is usually closed to outsiders because the museum is closed, was also very interesting.

The exhibition of Musashino Art University Museum & Library

At the launch party after the performance. With Prof. Ryu Niimi, who invited us to work on the concert, Prof. Miyuki Shiraishi, who provided commentary, and Prof. Sachikazu Kabayama, President of Musashino Art University.