

2024.6.27 The Amplified Elephants in Brisbane

The day after the concert at the Embassy of Spain in Tokyo on the 24th, I flew to Brisbane, Australia
Even though it’s winter in Australia, the temperature is a pleasant 20 degrees.

The venue is Queensland University of Technology, Creative Industries Precinct.
I performed “Hagoromo XR” with the Australian music group of artists with intellectual disabilities, “Amplified Elephants” at ISEA (International Symposium of Digital Art) 2024 in Brisbane. This is a joint project with RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, Ritsumeikan University, and Jolt Art, an arts support group for people with disabilities. We have performed annually in Australia and Japan since 2021. “Hagoromo XR” is based on the Noh play “Hagoromo” and uses volumetric video capture technology to create a new stage.

27 June 2024 (Thursday) 13:00-, 15:00-
The Block, QUT Creative Industries Precinct, Brisbane, Australia

This time, instead of a projector, we had a giant monitor! The back of the monitor was incredible.Everyone was very interested and the room was full. It was a tight schedule, but it was well worth the trip to Australia. It was also great to see everyone in the team again.
I and Professor Jonathan Duckworth RMIT University visited the Consulate-General of Japan in Brisbane and had a talk with Consul-General Junji Gomakubo. We reported on the performance of Hagoromo XR at ISEA (International Symposium of Digital Art) 2024 on 27th and talked a lot about Brisbane, which is set to host the 2032 Olympic Games. We hope to return to the wonderful city of Brisbane again.