Ryoko Aoki (Noh)
Kazushi Saito (Fl) Takashi Yamane (Cl) Satoshi Takeshima (Perc)
CD sales will start on 2014.6.7.
Federico Gardella “Voice of Wind” (2012)
Claire-Mélanie Sinnhuber “Etude pour chant nô et clarinette – Sur les pas de Tsunemasa” (2008)
Valerio Sannicandro “trois chants Noh” (2011)
Aurélien Dumont “Yamabushi no inori” (2013)
Peter Eötvös “Harakiri” (1973)
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CD Reviews
My CD “Noh×Contemporary Music” was selected as a recommended CD by the Record Geijutsu!! Great review by Prof. Seiji Choki!
2014.6.16 The Asahi Newspaper, CD Review
You can see this article online, Asahi Newspaper Digital. for your collection Classic
2014.6.19 The Yomiuri Newspaper, CD Review
You can see this article online, Yomiuri Newspaper Digital. Yomiuri Online : Culture
“bravo” 2014/7 issue, CD Review
You can see this article online, “bravo”. bravo 2014/7 issue “New Release Selection”
CD Journal 2014/7 issue, CD Review

My CD “Noh×Contemporary Music” was selected as a recommended CD of this month by CD Journal.
Monthly music magazine “Strange Days” 2014/8 issue
Prof. Junichi Konuma wrote the article about my concert on 21 May and my debut CD.
Mostly Classic 2014/8 issue, CD Review