



Ensemble Alter Ego, Peter Eötvos  
Istituto Giapponese di Cultura in Roma, Rome, Italy

Concert Mizu No Wo à Strasbourg


Hidehiko Hinohara Music Theatre
Hall Des Chars Laiterie, Strasbourg, France  

Concert Mizu No Wo à Strasbourg


Hidehiko Hinohara Music Theatre 
Hall Des Chars Laiterie, Strasbourg, France 

Noh X Contemporary Music vol.2


SHIBAURA HOUSE, Tamachi, Tokyo
Oliver Schneller “new work” for Noh voice, percussion and electronics
(commissioned by ensemble-no 2011) (world premiere)

The collaboration with Juha Koskinen (composition) and Jukka Korpihete (light)


Living OZONE Centre, Shinjuku, Tokyo

Kyoto International Performing Arts Fetival 

Yoshimasa Ishibashi (Kyupi Kyupi) /Kyoto Soseiza 



Kyoto Art Theater Shunjuza, Kyoto, Japan

Asia-Pacific Weeks “Water Memories” – Noh theater


Radialsystem V, Berlin, Germany
A part of Classical Noh play with tape
Toshio Hosokawa “Atem-Lied” for Bass flute
Hidehiko Hinohara “Water Memories” for Noh voice
Valerio Sannicandro “trois chants Noh” from Hagakure for Noh voice and flutes
Toru Takemitsu “Air” for flute solo
Toshio Hosokawa from “Japanese Folk Songs” for voice and alto flute
Ryoko Aoki (voice and dance) Klaus Schöpp (flute)

Asia-Pacific Weeks “Water Memories” – Noh theater


Radialsystem V, Berlin, Germany
A part of Classical Noh play with tape
Toshio Hosokawa “Atem-Lied” for Bass flute
Hidehiko Hinohara “Water Memories” for Noh voice
Valerio Sannicandro “trois chants Noh” from Hagakure for Noh voice and flutes
Toru Takemitsu “Air” for flute solo
Toshio Hosokawa from “Japanese Folk Songs” for voice and alto flute
Ryoko Aoki (voice and dance) Klaus Schöpp (flute)

“Japan” Family day


Radialsystem V, Berlin, Germany
Demonstration of Noh “Yashima”

Takefu International Music Festival


・Opening Concert
Traditional Japanese Noh-Theater
・Temple Concert

Ryoko Aoki, utai (Noh chant) Tamao Sano, Ikebana (flower arrangement) Felix Renggli (flute)

HANATSU miroir X Ryoko AOKI – Noh meet contemporary music

Eglise protestante Saint-Pierre le vieux, Strasbourg, France


Joji Yuasa “Maibataraki Ⅱ” (1987)

Chikage Imai “Once upon a time, a man… ~ from Ise Monogatari” (2010)

Joji Yuasa “Terms of temporal detailing” for alto-flute (1989)

Valerio Sannicandro “trois chants Noh” (world premiere)

Kumiko Omura “Ancient Flowers” (2011)

Chamber Music Night SILENT FLOWERS in Münchener Kammerspiele


Ryoko Aoki and musicians of the Münchener Kammerorchester

Introduction to the Noh theater: Alexander Liebreich in the conversation with Ryoko Aoki

Demonstration of Noh “Yashima”

Claude Vivier, string quartet No. 1

Toshio Hosokawa, Japanese Folk song for alto-flute and voice

Toshio Hosokawa, Silent Flowers for string quartet with Noh dance

Une matinée autour du Nô in Villa Medici, Rome


Presentation of Noh

Demonstration of Noh “Matsukaze”

Table ronde : Rencontre entre le nô et la musique contemporaine Avec Ryoko Aoki, Isabelle Duthoit, Hidehiko Hinohara et Claire-Mélanie Sinnhuber

Performance : deux oeuvres de croisement Ryoko Aoki et Isabelle Duthoit se produiront pour un bref concert/spectacle

Mizu-no Wo (2010) de Hidehiko Hinohara

Ryoko Aoki (Noh voice)

Sur les pas de Tsunemasa (2008) Étude pour chant nô et clarinette

Ryoko Aoki (Noh voice) Isabelle Duthoit (Clarinette)

guilt Ⅱ in Bonn


Presentation : Guilt in Japanese Noh Theatre

Demonstration of Noh “Yashima”

Toshio Hosokawa “From Japanese Folk Song”

Ryoko Aoki (voice) Kolbeinn Bjarnason (flute) 

Noh X Contemporary Music – talk & concert 5 composers


Kumiko Omura “Ancient Flowers” for Noh voice, flute and percussion (commissioned by ensemble-no 2011) (world premiere)

Ryoko Aoki (Noh voice) Ayako Okubo (flute) Olivier Maurel (percussion)

Kenji Sakai “Hyperlink”(world premiere)


Ryoko Aoki (voice), Hiroaki Takaha (conductor), ensemble muromachi