

2020.7.11 YouTube Live “Pray For An End To The Covid-19” Vol.3, For Spain

On 11th July, we broadcasted YouTube Live vol.3 ! This is the final YouTube Live “Pray for an end to the Covid-19”.
Noh is a Japanese traditional theatre which originated in the 14th century. Noh performers historically performed for religious rituals; for example, to pray for recovery from illness. Now we are suffering from Covid-19 pandemic. I have collaborated with international composers to write new pieces for Noh voice. In this series, we play their pieces to pray for an end to the Covid-19 for the people in the place where composers live.

I sang Bruno Dozza “Euridice” as live-streaming distant session with the cellist, Aldo Mata in Madrid. This piece was commissioned by the Embassy of Spain (Special thanks to Mr.José Antonio de Ory, the Cultural Counsellor) in 2018.

Live-streaming distant session YouTube Live
Noh voice & contemporary music
Pray for an end to the Covid-19 vol.3, For Spain
11 July 2020 11:00-11:15 (Central European Time)
Bruno Dozza “Euridice”
Ryoko Aoki (Noh voice, Tokyo) Aldo Mata (Cello, Madrid) Bruno Dozza (Composer, Madrid)
in collaboration with AMATI

Muchos gracias!! I really appreciate Aldo Mata, Bruno Dozza, Alexis Delgado Búrdalo, Umeo Saito and all other team members! I am very happy that many people in Spain watched it. Many audiences were impressed with Aldo’s wonderful playing even if he played through microphone. It was very challenging project, but we could playe together even if we are separated. It is very touching experience for me. If you missed it, please watch the archive in this link!

Photo : Toshifumi Tsuyama