

2023.4.28 The Concert at the University of Salamanca

In Salamanca! Very beautiful city!Plaza Mayor in Salamanca is the most beautiful square in Spain.The University of Salamanca, where our concert will be held, is Spain’s oldest university, founded in 1218 under the patronage of King Leon Castile. The facade of the Escuelas Mayores, a lecture hall surrounding the courtyard, is a masterpiece of the Plateresco style.The venue of our concert is the Centro Cultural Hispano Japonés of the University of Salamanca. The two visits to Salamanca by Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress were the impetus for the plan to set up the centre. The University of Salamanca established a new Chair of Japanese Language and Japanese Studies at the University and restored the interior of the venerable 16th-century Palacio de San Boüard, owned by the University, where the centre was established in 1999. The hall in the centre is named ‘Michiko-sama Hall’ after Her Imperial Majesty the Empress Michiko. The ‘Michiko-sama Hall’ is normally used mainly for exhibitions, and ours is the first time a concert has been held there.

2023/4/28 19:30-
Concert of Contemporary Music for Noh Voice and Cello: The Fusion of East and West
Centro Cultural Hispano Japonés, The University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain

Zuriñe F Gerenabarrena (1965-)・Yoru for Noh voice and Violoncello (2018)
Annachiara Gedda (1986-)・MONONOKE for Noh voice and Violoncello (2018)
Gaspar Cassadó (1897-1966) ・Suite for Violoncello
Bruno Dozza (1965-)・Euridice for Noh voice and violincello (2018)
Ryoko Aoki (Noh singer) Aldo Mata (Violoncello)

Organised by Centro Cultural Hispano Japonés in the University of Salamanca, The Embassy of Japan in Spain
Sponsored by Nomura Foundation

We had a great time at the concert with a packed house that we had to turn down.
Two composers, Zuriñe F Gerenabarrena and Bruno Dozza also came from all over. I commissioned Basque composer Zuriñe F Gerenabarrena in 2018 with funding from the Minato City in Tokyo, and the Spanish Embassy commissioned Madrid-based Bruno Dozza to commemorate the 150th anniversary between Spain and Japan in 2018. Thanks to everyone who supported us and the composers who wrote these wonderful songs, we are still blessed with the opportunity to perform them repeatedly.
With the wonderful cellist Aldo Mata. I first met Aldo in 2018 when we performed together at Hakuju Hall in Tokyo to celebrate the 150th anniversary between Spain and Japan. We premiered Bruno Dozza ‘Euridice’, which we also played this time.
Aldo also played for “Pray for an end to the Covid-19 vol.3” Live-streaming distant session YouTube Live during the pandemic. So, I was really happy to see him again after a long time.
With Ms. Midori Morita, First Secretary of the Embassy of Japan in Spain, and Prof. José Abel Flores Villarejo, Director of the Spanish-Japanese Cultural Center of the University of Salamanca. Thank you very much for your efforts in organising the concert.
After the concert, we dined together. It was so exciting and fun that it didn’t end even after the date had passed.
Fantastic food in Salamanca! It is also a sacred place for Jamon Serrano.In Salamanca, we stayed at wonderful Colegio Arzobispo Fonseca. Unforgettable experience!I would like to come back to beautiful Salamanca!