2010.9.1 talk & concert Hinohara Hidehiko

Noh X Contemporary Music - talk & concert 5 composers 


Vol.1 2010.9.1 18:30- talk & concert Hinohara Hidehiko 

1 talk : Hidehiko Hinohara &Ryoko Aoki 

2 Hidehiko Hinohara "Mizuno-o" utai solo (world premiere)    
           Ryoko Aoki (utai: Noh chant) 


Zuisho-ji temple Art project(Zuisho-ji 3-2-19 Shirokane-dai, Minato, Tokyo, Japan)    


admission free (advance booking is required→Noh X Contemporary Music


presented by ensemble-no 
supported by Minato prefecture grant for culture

Hidehiko Hinohara 

Hidehiko Hinohara [composer-pianist] was born at Kumamoto (Japan) and took a degree in Music with a major in Composition from the Tokyo University of the Arts. In 1987 he moved to Italy where he studied with Sylvano Bussotti, Giacomo Manzoni and Camillo Togni. 
He made his debut at the 1991 Venice Biennale with «La vecchia del sonno» for soprano and eight instruments and in 1993 he won the first prize in the PREMIO VALENTINO BUCCHI (Rome). In the meantime Hinohara had begun his career as a pianist - he has dedicated himself particularly to chamber music and to contemporary repertory. In 2000 he was the Principal Piano in the world premier of the opera «TIESTE» by Sylvano Bussotti and he composed original music for the theater piece «OPUS FLORENTINUM» by the famous Italian poet Mario Luzi, which was represented at the DUOMO of Florence for the Jubilee. 
He coordinate the "elastiko" group which promote every artistic activities over the genre. Hinohara's more recent compositions include: «Commos» for voice, violin and piano, «D'acque il romor ch'avvolge...» for fourteen instruments, «Stasimi» for three voices and three clarinets, «Nei pressi d'una dolce fontana...» for three pianos, «Sinuosa la luna increspava 'l mare» for shô, koto and recorder, «Nue: ridda spirale» for bass flute, bass clarinet and metal percussion. 


trackback URL: http://ryokoaoki.net/mt/mt-tb.cgi/182
