2012.3.15-18 AAS Annual Conference in Toronto

2012.3.15-18 Toronto, Canada 
Association for Asian Studies 2012 Annual Conference

2012.3.17 10:15-12:15 
Panel "Women in Noh" 

Chaired by Susan Matisoff, University of California, Berkeley 

The Construction of Japanese Noh Theatre as a Masculine: An Analysis of Its Traditional and Modern Discourses 
Ryoko Aoki, SOAS, University of London 

The Gendered Body in Noh Practice and Performance 
Katrina L. Moore, University of New South Wales 

Players, Performances, and Existence of Women's Noh: Focusing on the Articles Run in the Japanese General Newspapers 
Yusuke Suzumura, Hosei University 

Discussant: Susan Matisoff, University of California, Berkeley


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