2013.3.19 talk & concert Livorsi / Yamaguchi

Noh × Contemporary Music - talk & concert series

1 talk : Paola Livorsi / Yasuko Yamaguchi / Ryoko Aoki

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Paola Livorsi "Dream light, shadow stone" for Noh voice and basset horn (commissioned by ensemble-no 2013) (world premiere) 
Yasuko Yamaguchi "Song of animals" for Noh voice and clarinet (commissioned by ensemble-no 2013) (world premiere) 

Ryoko Aoki (Noh voice) Takashi Yamane (clarinet, basset horn)

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After the performances, we had discussions with the audience. 

_92A0395.JPG _92A0353.JPG _92A0380.JPG _92A0357.JPGThe composer, Toshio Hosokawa

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This was last concert after this three years series. I would like to thank all people who have supported me!


trackback URL: http://ryokoaoki.net/mt/mt-tb.cgi/398
