2013.8.22 "Noh X Contemporary Music"

2013.8.22 19:00- concert "Noh X Contemporary Music" top_image.jpg Takanawa Civic Hall in Tokyo _92A9862.JPG _MG_6193.JPG Pre-talk:Noriko Koide&Ryoko Aoki "About new piece" _MG_6171.JPG _MG_6174.JPG Joji Yuasa "Mai Bataraki Ⅱ" for alto flute with Noh dance (1987) _92A9654.JPG _92A9663.JPG _92A9667.JPG _92A9673.JPG Federico Gardella "Voice of Wind" for Noh voice and bass flute (commissioned by ensemble-no 2011) _92A9682.JPG _92A9700.JPG Noriko Baba "L'oiseau à deux têtes" for Noh performer and two musicians (commissioned by ensemble-no 2011) _92A9710.JPG _92A9729.JPG _92A9713.JPG _92A9738.JPG _92A9722.JPG _MG_6185.JPG Valerio Sannicandro "trois chants Noh" for Noh voice and flutes (commissioned by ensemble-no 2010) (Japan premiere) _92A9765.JPG _92A9770.JPG Talk:Noriko Koide "About new piece" _MG_6213.JPG _MG_6209.JPG _MG_6206.JPG Noriko Koide "The Rondo of Love" for Noh voice and percussion (commissioned by ensemble-no 2013) (World premiere) _92A9827.JPG _92A9825.JPG _92A9841.JPG _92A9854.JPG _MG_6225.JPGRyoko Aoki (Noh) Kazushi Saito (flutes) Mizuki Aita (percussion)   

Noh × Contemporary Music 
presented by ensemble-no 
managed by Okamura & Company Inc 
in collaboration with Kiss Port Foundation 
supported by Nomura Foundation, Minato prefecture grant for culture

_92A9758.JPGIn the rehearsal, with Noriko Baba

_92A9912.JPG After the concert, with Kazushi Saito, Mizuki Aita and Noriko Koide.


trackback URL: http://ryokoaoki.net/mt/mt-tb.cgi/424
