If you compose...
It is not very easy for Noh singers to sing with the certain pitch and tempo, and read the western score.The register of Ryoko Aoki

Examples of score
I attach PDF which you can read a part of score and listen to a part of music. If you click the button on the top, you can listen to music.
I attach some PFD of only scores with videos.
※ In order to listen to sound, you have to download the PDF file and view them through Acrobat Reader.

Ryoko Aoki (voice) Kazushi Saito (fl.)
Ryoko Aoki (voice) Takashi Yamane (cl.)
Noriko Baba "L'oiseau à deux têtes" (2012) (score for video 4:40-5:30)
Ryoko Aoki, Kazushi Saito, Mizuki Aita
Noriko Koide "The Rondo of Love" (2013) singing part (score for video 1:25-6:30)
Ryoko Aoki (voice) Mizuki Aita (perc.)